How to Deal with Different Photo Editing Techniques?

Some simple techniques and great leaps to best photos! Making photographs more beautiful is of course an art, that everyone wants be skillful at. It although involves just a bit of careful attitude and thoughtfulness. Also one cannot deny the fact that it is often good to have decent equipment, but experience has proven all you truly need is give a moment of thought before every shot about what you are endeavoring to capture or shoot in your camera. Well, the following simple technical guidelines are proposed to help apprentice, amateurs, non-artistic, and non-technical photographers to immediately enhance their photography skills and their photographs thereby.


Move closer to focus the objects specifically 

To have the best shot move a bit closer to focus the subject more clearly. In fact take two shots, initially at the time you spot a subject, click a shot and then move in closer for achieving an even better shot. The basic idea here is that your subject should almost fill the frame, making it easier for your viewer to appreciate and apprehend your photo, in a better way. Also, as we know detailing is the god of good photography. Do not hesitate to move in closer until you are assured that you are able to represent your subject appropriately.


Unexpected orientation 

Usually, amateurs are tempted to shoot their subjects horizontally. But by composing it as a vertical, or rather in an angular way, one can mix up the viewer’s visual clues so that at the first glance the subject doesn't quite look like what it is. This induces influenced vision on the viewers, and it makes the photograph dynamic.  

Three dimensional photos 

Shots taken in early and late daylight express modeling of natural features. Also the use of ultra wide-angle lenses to record a larger angle of view than we can see with our eyes, adds to third dimension. Always include a foreground object at a close distance while taking wide-angle shots. This adds to layering and depth. 

Diffusion of photos 

Try to add diffusion or soft focus to give a special effect to your photos. As an alternative, leave an undiffused spot in your filter, so the middle of the frame is relatively sharp while the edges stay blurred. This can help in creating a dreamy or hazy effect. This can also be achieved by smearing a coating of petroleum jelly in the region of the edges, leaving the focus clear, of a UV filter. Even a loose-weave fabric put over the lens or held against the lens may work well.  

Creating a nostalgic effect 

Holding colored filter can best help creating nostalgic effect. Generally, another alternative method is to use Optical-quality colored gels. One can tape a gel over the lens. The advent of colored filter reminds us of the times of past, it like filtering of time! 
